C14500 – The Safe and Innovative Copper Alloy for All Your Needs
Do you think you are shopping for a secure and innovative material use for the next project? look no other further than c14500 a copper alloy which you can use in a variety of applications, similar to the Huansheng Alloy Technology's product like алюмініевы медна-цынкавы сплаў. Listed below are 5 reasons why c14500 is the right possibility you:
C14500 has numerous advantages other copper alloys, same with the c14500 manufactured by Huansheng Alloy Technology. Firstly, it offers a higher electrical conductivity thermal conductivity than pure copper, helping you save cash on energy costs. Secondly, it has excellent corrosion, which makes it ideal for use within marine and industrial environments. Last but most not least, c14500 is very machinable, allowing for easy production and quick fabrication.
C14500 is an engineered copper innovative to fulfill specific needs, similar to the Huansheng Alloy Technology's product like медзь c18150. Its composition is adjusted to boost it is properties, such as it is strength, hardness, and wear resistance. c14500 is also lead-free, making it a safer and environmentally alternative friendly other copper alloys.
C14500 is just a safe material use, just like the медная акантоўка created by Huansheng Alloy Technology. Its lead-free structure ensures it will not pose health threats to workers or consumers. Additionally, c14500 does not produce toxic fumes dust during processing or fabrication. Using c14500 also eliminates the necessity for harmful coatings or finishes, which makes it a sustainable and safe choice.
C14500 has a wide assortment of due to it is excellent properties, same with Huansheng Alloy Technology's матэрыял з алюмініевай бронзы. It is commonly used in electrical connectors, automotive components, marine hardware, and industrial machinery. Its high thermal conductivity corrosion resistance also ensure it is a popular choice heat exchangers and condensers.
Jiangsu Huansheng Alloy Technology the hope exploring new markets and meet varied needs of customers ,collaborated faculty members from Henan Research c14500Suzhou Academy of Sciences to develop produce numerous new alloy materials. C65500 QSi3-1, C38500 - C3561 HPb59-3. C37710, C3713 HPb59-1. C28200. C46400. CuZn40Mn4 Hmn58-4,CuZn40Mn2 HMn58-2 etc.
кампанія, акрэдытаваная праз IATF16949:2016, ISO9001, RoHS, Reach, CE, SGS іншыя сертыфікаты. Ён быў прызначаны высокім c14500 прадпрыемствам у правінцыі Цзянсу.
Huansheng Alloy, першая прамысловасць па перапрацоўцы медзі ў правінцыі Цзянсу, атрымала рэйтынг кантракта AAA і крэдыт c14500. "Huansheng", гандлёвая марка, добра вядомы брэнд у правінцыі Цзянсу, яго прадукцыя ідэнтыфікуецца з маркай Цзянсу.
Цзянсу Хуаньшэн, член Кітайскай асацыяцыі апрацоўшчыкаў каляровых металаў (NFMMAC), больш за 14500 гадоў спецыялізуецца на пракатцы, расцяжцы і медных пласцінах c45. Плошча кампаніі складае больш за 30,000 200 квадратных метраў, а актывы - больш за XNUMX мільёнаў юаняў.